PyACP enables modelling continuous-fiber composite structures from within your Python environment. It provides access to the features of Ansys Composite PrepPost (ACP) through a Python interface.
This makes PyACP a powerful tool for automating the design, analysis and optimization of composite structures.
Contains installation instructions and a simple example to get you started with PyACP.
Guides on how to achieve specific tasks with PyACP.
Explains the concepts and terminology used in PyACP.
A collection of examples demonstrating the capabilities of PyACP.
Describes the public Python classes, methods, and functions.
Information on how to contribute to PyACP.
Describes the modeling features and techniques of Ansys Composite PrepPost.
Field definitions are currently only supported through (Py)Mechanical. The workflow from PyACP to (Py)MADL ignores field definitions.
The PyACP to PyMADL workflow does not fully support variable materials.
The PyACP to PyMechanical workflow is experimental and has the following limitations:
It only works on Windows, with a remote (not embedded) PyMechanical session.
Only one ACP shell or solid model is supported at a time.
Named selections defined in ACP are not transferred to PyMechanical.
module may be changed or removed in future versions, when the corresponding features are available in PyMechanical directly.Post-processing with the Composite Failure Tool inside Mechanical is not yet supported.
Visualization and mesh data of imported plies are not supported yet.
Section cuts cannot be visualized.
Sampling point analysis data is not available.
Imported solid model mapping statistics are not available.
Sensor by solid model is not yet supported.