Visualize model --------------- .. jinja:: conditional_skip {% if not skip_gallery %} This guide uses a model of a race car's front wing. .. pyvista-plot:: :nofigs: :context: >>> import tempfile >>> import pathlib >>> import ansys.acp.core as pyacp >>> from ansys.acp.core.extras import ExampleKeys, get_example_file >>> acp = pyacp.launch_acp() >>> tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() >>> input_file = get_example_file( ... ExampleKeys.RACE_CAR_NOSE_ACPH5, pathlib.Path( ... ) >>> model = acp.import_model(input_file) >>> input_file_geometry = get_example_file( ... ExampleKeys.RACE_CAR_NOSE_STEP, pathlib.Path( ... ) >>> cad_geometry = model.create_cad_geometry(name="nose_geometry") >>> cad_geometry.refresh(input_file_geometry) >>> model.update() Show the mesh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Access the mesh data using the :attr:`.Model.mesh` attribute. This attribute, an instance of the :class:`.MeshData` class, can be converted to a PyVista mesh using the :meth:`.MeshData.to_pyvista` method. .. pyvista-plot:: :context: >>> model.mesh.to_pyvista().plot() You can also access and plot the mesh data for specific tree objects. For example, the following code plots the mesh for a modeling ply. .. pyvista-plot:: :context: >>> modeling_ply = model.modeling_groups['nose'].modeling_plies['mp.nose.4'] >>> modeling_ply.mesh.to_pyvista().plot() .. _directions_plotter: Showing the directions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Show the directions (such as normals, fiber directions, and orientations) of the model by using the :func:`.get_directions_plotter` helper function. This function takes the model, the components to visualize, and some optional parameters. The following example shows the orientation and fiber direction of a modeling ply. .. pyvista-plot:: :context: >>> elemental_data = modeling_ply.elemental_data >>> directions_plotter = pyacp.get_directions_plotter( ... model=model, ... components=[ ... elemental_data.orientation, ... elemental_data.fiber_direction ... ], ... length_factor=10., ... culling_factor=10, ... ) >>> The color scheme used in this plot for the various components matches the ACP GUI. The directions plot can be scoped to a specific region of the model by using the ``mesh`` parameter. For example, the following code only plots the part covered by the modeling ply. .. pyvista-plot:: :context: >>> directions_plotter = pyacp.get_directions_plotter( ... model=model, ... mesh=modeling_ply.mesh, ... components=[ ... elemental_data.orientation, ... elemental_data.fiber_direction ... ], ... length_factor=10., ... culling_factor=10, ... ) >>> Showing the mesh data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Access the mesh data related to a specific ACP object using the ``elemental_data`` and ``nodal_data`` attributes. These attributes represent either scalar or vector data. Scalar data ''''''''''' You can convert scalar data to a PyVista mesh using the :meth:`get_pyvista_mesh <.ScalarData.get_pyvista_mesh>` method. This method requires the base model mesh. For example, you can plot the total thickness of the model using this code: .. pyvista-plot:: :context: >>> thickness_data = model.elemental_data.thickness >>> pyvista_mesh = thickness_data.get_pyvista_mesh(mesh=model.mesh) >>> pyvista_mesh.plot() Again, the ``mesh`` parameter can be used to limit the scope of the plot. .. pyvista-plot:: :context: >>> pyvista_mesh = thickness_data.get_pyvista_mesh(mesh=model.element_sets["els_wing_assembly"].mesh) >>> pyvista_mesh.plot() Vector data ''''''''''' Visualize vector data using the :func:`.get_directions_plotter` function shown in the preceding section :ref:`directions_plotter`. If you need more fine-grained control over the visualization, you can use the method shown in this section instead. Vector data can be converted to PyVista glyphs using the :meth:`get_pyvista_glyphs <.VectorData.get_pyvista_glyphs>` method. This method requires the base model mesh. You can also choose a scaling factor to change the size of the vector glyphs and a culling factor to reduce the number of glyphs plotted. .. pyvista-plot:: :context: >>> production_ply = model.modeling_groups['nose'].modeling_plies['mp.nose.6'].production_plies['ProductionPly.20'] >>> ply_offset = production_ply.nodal_data.ply_offset >>> ply_offset.get_pyvista_glyphs(mesh=model.mesh, scaling_factor=6., culling_factor=5).plot() The base mesh is not shown when plotting vector data using PyVista glyphs. To visualize the mesh, you can combine the mesh and glyphs together using a PyVista plotter. .. pyvista-plot:: :context: >>> import pyvista >>> plotter = pyvista.Plotter() >>> _ = plotter.add_mesh(model.mesh.to_pyvista(), color="white", opacity=0.5) >>> _ = plotter.add_mesh( ... ply_offset.get_pyvista_glyphs(mesh=model.mesh, scaling_factor=6., culling_factor=5), ... color="blue" ... ) >>> Showing geometries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can view CAD geometries using their :attr:`visualization_mesh <.CADGeometry.visualization_mesh>` attribute. This attribute contains a tessellated (triangular) mesh that represents the geometry. For plotting, the tessellated mesh has a :meth:`.to_pyvista <.TriangleMesh.to_pyvista>` method that returns a PyVista :class:`PolyData ` object. To see its triangular nature, plot the mesh with the ``show_edges`` option set to ``True``. .. pyvista-plot:: :context: >>> cad_geometry = model.cad_geometries['nose_geometry'] >>> tessellated_mesh = cad_geometry.visualization_mesh >>> tessellated_mesh.to_pyvista().plot(show_edges=True) .. pyvista-plot:: :context: :include-source: false >>> acp.stop(timeout=0) Showing solid model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The visualization of a solid mesh and its elemental data is shown in the example :ref:`solid_model_example`. {% else %} .. note:: This how-to is not built when building the gallery is disabled. {% endif %}