Enumeration data types#

ArrowType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for the type of arrow to be created for directions in the ply geometry export.

BaseElementMaterialHandling(cls, value[, ...])

Determines how the base material is handled where it intersects with a reinforcing element.

BooleanOperationType(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for combining selection rules.

CutOffGeometryOrientationType(cls, value[, ...])

Determines the orientation of a cut-off geometry.

CutOffMaterialHandling(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for how cut-off material is selected.

CutOffRuleType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for how a cut off rule is defined.

DrapingMaterialModel(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for the material type used in the draping algorithm.

DrapingType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for the draping algorithm used.

DropOffMaterialHandling(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for how drop-off material is selected.

DropOffType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Determines whether the drop off in solid models is inside or outside the ply boundary.

EdgeSetType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for how an edge set is defined.

ElementalDataType(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for the type of per-element data.

ElementTechnology(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for the element technology used in a layup mapping object.

ExtrusionGuideType(cls, value[, names, ...])

Extrusion guide type used in an extrusion guide (solid model).

ExtrusionMethod(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Extrusion method used in a solid model.

ExtrusionType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Extrusion method used in a section cut.

FeFormat(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for the format of the FE file.

GeometricalRuleType(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for how a geometrical selection rule is defined.

HDF5CompositeCAEImportMode(cls, value[, ...])

Options for the import mode of the HDF5 Composite CAE file.

HDF5CompositeCAEProjectionMode(cls, value[, ...])

Options for the projection mode of the HDF5 Composite CAE file.

IgnorableEntity(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for the entities to ignore when loading an FE file.

ImportedPlyDrapingType(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for the draping algorithm used.

ImportedPlyOffsetType(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for the definition of the offset.

ImportedPlyThicknessType(cls, value[, ...])

Options for how ply thickness is defined.

IntersectionType(cls, value[, names, ...])

Determines how the intersection is computed for wireframe section cuts.

LayupMappingRosetteSelectionMethod(cls, value)

Options for how the rosette is selected in the layup mapping.

LinkedObjectHandling(cls, value[, names, ...])

Defines options for handling linked objects when copying a tree of ACP objects.

LookUpTable3DInterpolationAlgorithm(cls, value)

Options for the interpolation algorithm used for 3D look-up tables.

LookUpTableColumnValueType(cls, value[, ...])

Options for the column type (data location, scalar data, directional data) of look-up table columns.

MeshImportType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for the definition of the source of the imported mesh.

NodalDataType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for the type of per-node data.

OffsetType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for the ply offset type.

PhysicalDimension(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for the dimension (time, length, currency, ...) of data.

PlyCutOffType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for how ply cut-off is computed.

PlyGeometryExportFormat(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for the file format of the ply geometry export.

PlyType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for the material type of a ply.

ReinforcingBehavior(cls, value[, names, ...])

Specifies whether the reinforcing elements carry tension and compression load, or only one of them.

RosetteSelectionMethod(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for how the rosette is selected in oriented selection sets.

RosetteType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for the type of a rosette.

SectionCutType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Determines whether the section cut is extruded by modeling ply, production ply, or analysis ply.

SensorType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for the type of sensor.

SnapToGeometryOrientationType(cls, value[, ...])

Determines which layup face a snap-to geometry is applies to.

SolidModelExportFormat(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for the export format of solid models.

SolidModelImportFormat(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for the file format when importing a solid model.

SolidModelOffsetDirectionType(cls, value[, ...])

Determines how the offset direction is evaluated in a solid model.

SolidModelSkinExportFormat(cls, value[, ...])

Options for the export format of solid model skins.

Status(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for the update status of an object.

StressStateType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Specifies if the reinforcing elements should behave like a link, membrane, or shell element (with or without bending).

SymmetryType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for the symmetry of stackups or sublaminates.

ThicknessFieldType(cls, value[, names, ...])

Options for how thickness from a table is defined.

ThicknessType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Options for how ply thickness is defined.

UnitSystemType(cls, value[, names, module, ...])

Available choices for the unit system.

VirtualGeometryDimension(cls, value[, ...])

Options for the dimension of a virtual geometry.