API reference#
This section describes the API of the public PyACP classes, functions, and attributes.
- Server management
- ACP objects
- AnalysisPly
- BooleanSelectionRule
- ButtJointSequence
- CADComponent
- CADGeometry
- CutOffGeometry
- CutOffSelectionRule
- CylindricalSelectionRule
- EdgeSet
- ElementSet
- ExtrusionGuide
- Fabric
- FieldDefinition
- GeometricalSelectionRule
- ImportedAnalysisPly
- ImportedModelingGroup
- ImportedModelingPly
- ImportedProductionPly
- ImportedSolidModel
- InterfaceLayer
- LayupMappingObject
- LookUpTable1D
- LookUpTable1DColumn
- LookUpTable3D
- LookUpTable3DColumn
- Material
- Model
- ModelingGroup
- ModelingPly
- OrientedSelectionSet
- ParallelSelectionRule
- ProductionPly
- Rosette
- SamplingPoint
- SectionCut
- Sensor
- SnapToGeometry
- SolidElementSet
- SolidModel
- SphericalSelectionRule
- Stackup
- SubLaminate
- TubeSelectionRule
- VariableOffsetSelectionRule
- VirtualGeometry
- Mesh data objects
- AnalysisPlyElementalData
- AnalysisPlyNodalData
- BooleanSelectionRuleElementalData
- BooleanSelectionRuleNodalData
- CutOffSelectionRuleElementalData
- CutOffSelectionRuleNodalData
- CylindricalSelectionRuleElementalData
- CylindricalSelectionRuleNodalData
- ElementSetElementalData
- ElementSetNodalData
- GeometricalSelectionRuleElementalData
- GeometricalSelectionRuleNodalData
- ImportedSolidModelElementalData
- ImportedSolidModelNodalData
- MeshData
- ModelElementalData
- ModelingPlyElementalData
- ModelingPlyNodalData
- ModelNodalData
- OrientedSelectionSetElementalData
- OrientedSelectionSetNodalData
- ParallelSelectionRuleElementalData
- ParallelSelectionRuleNodalData
- ProductionPlyElementalData
- ProductionPlyNodalData
- ScalarData
- SolidElementSetElementalData
- SolidElementSetNodalData
- SolidModelElementalData
- SolidModelNodalData
- SphericalSelectionRuleElementalData
- SphericalSelectionRuleNodalData
- TriangleMesh
- TubeSelectionRuleElementalData
- TubeSelectionRuleNodalData
- VariableOffsetSelectionRuleElementalData
- VariableOffsetSelectionRuleNodalData
- VectorData
- Linked object definitions
- Material property sets
- ConstantDensity
- ConstantEngineeringConstants
- ConstantFabricFiberAngle
- ConstantLaRCConstants
- ConstantPuckConstants
- ConstantStrainLimits
- ConstantStressLimits
- ConstantTsaiWuConstants
- ConstantWovenCharacterization
- ConstantWovenStressLimits
- FieldVariable
- InterpolationOptions
- PuckMaterialType
- VariableDensity
- VariableEngineeringConstants
- VariableFabricFiberAngle
- VariableLaRCConstants
- VariablePuckConstants
- VariableStrainLimits
- VariableStressLimits
- VariableTsaiWuConstants
- VariableWovenCharacterization
- VariableWovenStressLimits
- Enumeration data types
- ArrowType
- BaseElementMaterialHandling
- BooleanOperationType
- CutOffGeometryOrientationType
- CutOffMaterialHandling
- CutOffRuleType
- DrapingMaterialModel
- DrapingType
- DropOffMaterialHandling
- DropOffType
- EdgeSetType
- ElementalDataType
- ElementTechnology
- ExtrusionGuideType
- ExtrusionMethod
- ExtrusionType
- FeFormat
- GeometricalRuleType
- HDF5CompositeCAEImportMode
- HDF5CompositeCAEProjectionMode
- IgnorableEntity
- ImportedPlyDrapingType
- ImportedPlyOffsetType
- ImportedPlyThicknessType
- IntersectionType
- LayupMappingRosetteSelectionMethod
- LinkedObjectHandling
- LookUpTable3DInterpolationAlgorithm
- LookUpTableColumnValueType
- MeshImportType
- NodalDataType
- OffsetType
- PhysicalDimension
- PlyCutOffType
- PlyGeometryExportFormat
- PlyType
- ReinforcingBehavior
- RosetteSelectionMethod
- RosetteType
- SectionCutType
- SensorType
- SnapToGeometryOrientationType
- SolidModelExportFormat
- SolidModelImportFormat
- SolidModelOffsetDirectionType
- SolidModelSkinExportFormat
- Status
- StressStateType
- SymmetryType
- ThicknessFieldType
- ThicknessType
- UnitSystemType
- VirtualGeometryDimension
- Other types
- Plot utilities
- Other utilities
- DPF integration helpers
- Mechanical integration helpers
- Example helpers
- Internal objects
- Node
- ControllableServerProtocol
- ServerProtocol
- MeshDataT
- ScalarDataT
- EdgePropertyList
- GenericEdgePropertyType
- ChildT
- LinkedObjectList
- CreatableValueT
- Mapping
- MutableMapping
- ValueT
- CreatableFromResourcePath
- CreateRequest
- ObjectInfo
- SolidModelExportMixin
- CreatableTreeObject
- ServerWrapper
- TreeObject
- TreeObjectBase
- TC
- TV