
ansys.acp.core.launch_acp(config=None, launch_mode=None, timeout=30.0, auto_transfer_files=True)#

Launch an ACP instance.

Launch the ACP gRPC server with the given configuration. If no configuration is provided, the configured default is used.


Do not execute this function with untrusted input parameters. See the security guide for details.

  • config (DirectLaunchConfig | DockerComposeLaunchConfig | None) – The configuration used for launching ACP. If unspecified, the default for the given launch mode is used.

  • launch_mode (LaunchMode | None) – Specifies which ACP launcher is used. One of direct, docker_compose, or connect. If unspecified, the configured default is used. If no default is configured, direct is used.

  • timeout (float | None) – Timeout to wait until ACP responds. If None is specified, the check that ACP has started is skipped.

  • auto_transfer_files (bool) – Determines whether input and output files are automatically transferred (up- or downloaded) to the server. If True, files are automatically transferred, and all paths in the import or export methods are local paths. If False, file transfer needs to be handled manually, and the paths are relative to the server working directory. If the launch_mode is "direct", this only has an effect if the current working directory is changed after launching the server.


ACP instance which can be used to control the server, and instantiate objects on the server.

Return type:


Examples using launch_acp#





Basic selection rules

Basic selection rules

Advanced selection rules

Advanced selection rules

Direction definition

Direction definition

Thickness definition

Thickness definition



Sandwich panel

Sandwich panel

Solid Model

Solid Model

Imported ply

Imported ply

Imported solid model

Imported solid model

HDF5 Composite CAE

HDF5 Composite CAE

PyMAPDL workflow

PyMAPDL workflow

Advanced PyMAPDL workflow

Advanced PyMAPDL workflow

PyMechanical shell workflow

PyMechanical shell workflow

PyMechanical solid workflow

PyMechanical solid workflow

PyMechanical to CDB shell workflow

PyMechanical to CDB shell workflow

CDB to PyMechanical shell workflow

CDB to PyMechanical shell workflow

Optimizing ply angles

Optimizing ply angles