
The Sensor capabilities to analyze the composite structure is demonstrated in this example. A sensor is used to compute the weight, area, cost, etc. of the model or specific entities such as ply material, modeling ply, etc.

Import modules#

Import the standard library and third-party dependencies.

import pathlib
import tempfile

import pyvista

Import the PyACP dependencies.

from ansys.acp.core import SensorType, UnitSystemType, launch_acp
from ansys.acp.core.extras import RACE_CARE_NOSE_CAMERA_METER, ExampleKeys, get_example_file

Start ACP and load the model#

Get the example file from the server.

tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
WORKING_DIR = pathlib.Path(
acph5_input_file = get_example_file(ExampleKeys.RACE_CAR_NOSE_ACPH5, WORKING_DIR)

Launch the PyACP server and connect to it.

acp = launch_acp()

Load the model from the input file which contains a formula 1 front wing with layup. The plot shows the total laminate thickness per element.

model = acp.import_model(acph5_input_file)
model.unit_system = UnitSystemType.SI

thickness_data = model.elemental_data.thickness
if thickness_data is not None:
    plotter = pyvista.Plotter()
    plotter.add_mesh(thickness_data.get_pyvista_mesh(model.mesh), show_edges=False)
    plotter.camera_position = RACE_CARE_NOSE_CAMERA_METER
007 sensor

Set price per area for all fabrics.

model.fabrics["UD"].area_price = 15  # $/m^2
model.fabrics["woven"].area_price = 23  # $/m^2
model.fabrics["core_4mm"].area_price = 7  # $/m^2

Sensor by area#

Entire Model#

The first sensor is applied to the entire model to compute for example the total weight, area of production material, and material cost.

sensor_by_area = model.create_sensor(
    name="By Area",

Update the model to compute the sensor values.


def print_measures(my_sensor):
    print(f"Price: {my_sensor.price:.2f} $")
    print(f"Weight: {my_sensor.weight:.2f} kg")
    print(f"Covered area: {my_sensor.covered_area:.2f} m²")
    print(f"Production ply area: {my_sensor.production_ply_area:.2f} m²")
    cog = my_sensor.center_of_gravity
    print(f"Center of gravity: ({cog[0]:.2f}, {cog[1]:.2f}, {cog[2]:.2f}) m")

Print the values. The production ply area is the area of production material.

Price: 208.84 $
Weight: 4.48 kg
Covered area: 1.70 m²
Production ply area: 11.04 m²
Center of gravity: (0.42, 0.10, -0.09) m

Scope to a specific component#

Compute the measures for the nose only. Note that OrientedSelectionSet can also be used to scope the sensor.

eset_nose = model.element_sets["els_nose"]
sensor_by_area.entities = [eset_nose]
plotter = pyvista.Plotter()
plotter.add_mesh(eset_nose.mesh.to_pyvista(), show_edges=False, opacity=1, color="turquoise")
plotter.add_mesh(model.mesh.to_pyvista(), show_edges=False, opacity=0.2)
plotter.camera_position = RACE_CARE_NOSE_CAMERA_METER
007 sensor
Price: 25.21 $
Weight: 0.56 kg
Covered area: 0.39 m²
Production ply area: 1.64 m²
Center of gravity: (0.09, 0.37, -0.22) m

Sensor by material#

A sensor can also be used to compute the amount of a certain ply material (Fabric, Stackup, SubLaminate).

sensor_by_material = model.create_sensor(
    name="By Material",
Price: 25.21 $
Weight: 0.56 kg
Covered area: 0.39 m²
Production ply area: 1.64 m²
Center of gravity: (0.09, 0.37, -0.22) m

Sensor by ply#

A sensor can also be scoped to a specific ply or a list of plies. In this example, a ply of the suction side and a ply of the pressure side of wing 3 are selected.

mg = model.modeling_groups["wing_3"]
modeling_plies = [
sensor_by_ply = model.create_sensor(
    name="By Ply",
plotter = pyvista.Plotter()
for ply in modeling_plies:
    plotter.add_mesh(ply.mesh.to_pyvista(), show_edges=False, opacity=1, color="turquoise")
plotter.add_mesh(model.mesh.to_pyvista(), show_edges=False, opacity=0.2)
plotter.camera_position = RACE_CARE_NOSE_CAMERA_METER
007 sensor
Price: 10.86 $
Weight: 0.23 kg
Covered area: 0.24 m²
Production ply area: 0.47 m²
Center of gravity: (0.30, 0.08, -0.10) m

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 24.622 seconds)

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