
class ansys.acp.core.SolidModel(*, name='SolidModel', active=True, element_sets=(), extrusion_method='analysis_ply_wise', max_element_thickness=1.0, ply_group_pointers=(), offset_direction_type='shell_normal', skip_elements_without_plies=False, drop_off_material=None, cut_off_material=None, delete_bad_elements=True, warping_limit=0.4, minimum_volume=0.0, drop_off_settings=<ansys.acp.core._tree_objects.solid_model.DropOffSettings object>, export_settings=<ansys.acp.core._tree_objects.solid_model.SolidModelExportSettings object>)#

Instantiate a solid model.

  • name (str) – Name of the solid model.

  • active (bool) – Inactive solid models are not computed, and ignored in the analysis.

  • element_sets (Iterable[ElementSet | OrientedSelectionSet]) – Element sets or oriented selection sets determining the extent of the solid model.

  • extrusion_method (ExtrusionMethod) – Determines how plies are bundled in the layered solid elements.

  • max_element_thickness (float) – Maximum thickness of the layered solid elements. A new element is introduced if the thickness exceeds this value. Only used if the extrusion_method is one of SPECIFY_THICKNESS, MATERIAL_WISE, or SANDWICH_WISE.

  • ply_group_pointers (Iterable[ModelingPly]) – Explicitly defines modeling plies where a new element is introduced. Only used if the extrusion_method is USER_DEFINED.

  • offset_direction_type (SolidModelOffsetDirectionType) – Determines how the extrusion direction is defined. With SHELL_NORMAL, the normal direction of the shell is used during the entire extrusion. With SURFACE_NORMAL, the offset direction is re-evaluated based on the surface of the solid model during the extrusion.

  • skip_elements_without_plies (bool) – If True, elements without plies are automatically removed from the region of extrusion. This means that no drop-off elements are created for these elements.

  • drop_off_material (Material | None) – This material is assigned to the layered solid drop-off elements if drop_off_material_handling is set to GLOBAL in the fabric definition.

  • cut_off_material (Material | None) – This material is assigned to the degenerated solid cut-off elements if cut_off_material_handling is set to GLOBAL in the fabric definition.

  • delete_bad_elements (bool) – If True, a final element check is performed to remove erroneous elements.

  • warping_limit (float) – Maximum allowable warping limit used in the element shape check. Elements with a warping limit exceeding this value are removed. Only used if delete_bad_elements is True.

  • minimum_volume (float) – Solid elements with a volume smaller or equal to this value are removed. With the default value of 0, only inverted or zero-volume elements are removed. Only used if delete_bad_elements is True.

  • drop_off_settings (DropOffSettings) – Determines how drop-off elements are handled in the solid model extrusion.

  • export_settings (SolidModelExportSettings) – Defines the settings for exporting the solid model.

Added in ACP server version 25.1.


SolidModel.clone(*[, unlink])

Create a new unstored object with the same properties.

SolidModel.create_cut_off_geometry(*[, ...])

Instantiate a cut-off geometry.

SolidModel.create_extrusion_guide(*[, name, ...])

Instantiate an Extrusion Guide of a Solid Model.

SolidModel.create_snap_to_geometry(*[, ...])

Instantiate a snap-to geometry.


Delete the object.

SolidModel.export(path, *, format)

Export the solid model to a file.

SolidModel.export_skin(path, *, format)

Export the skin of the solid model to a file.

Store the object on the server.


Examples using SolidModel#

Solid Model

Solid Model