
LookUpTable3D.create_column(*, name='LookUpTable3DColumn', value_type='scalar', physical_dimension='dimensionless', data=None)#

Instantiate a Column of a 3D Look-Up Table.

  • value_type (LookUpTableColumnValueType) – Determines whether the column data is scalar (one entry per row) or directional (three entries per row). Note that the value_type can only be set when constructing the column, and is read-only afterwards.

  • physical_dimension (PhysicalDimension) – Dimensionality (such as time, length, force, …) of the column data.

  • data (npt.NDArray[np.float64] | None) – The column data. The shape of the data must match the value_type and the length of the Location column of the parent look-up table.

Return type:


Added in ACP server version 24.2.

Examples using LookUpTable3D.create_column#

Direction definition

Direction definition

Thickness definition

Thickness definition