
Server version compatibility#

PyACP is compatible with all versions of the ACP gRPC server since version 2024R2.

However, some features are not available when using older versions of the server. Version 2025R1 is the first full release of the ACP gRPC server, which makes almost all features of ACP available through PyACP.

Added in 2025R1#

The following features were added in version 2025R1 of the ACP gRPC server.

Tree objects#


Other features#

  • Mesh attributes for classes other than the Model class.

  • The .shell_mesh and .solid_mesh attributes.

Upgrading PyACP#

The following section describes how to upgrade to newer versions of PyACP.

Upgrading from the beta version#

The beta version of PyACP did not yet provide a stable API. Consequently, some backwards-incompatible changes were made in the first stable release to improve the API.

If you encounter any difficulties upgrading from the beta version, feel free to open an issue on the PyACP GitHub repository.

Removed features#

New submodules#

Some features were moved into submodules instead of being exposed at the top level ansys.acp.core module:

  • Elemental, nodal, and mesh data types were moved to the ansys.acp.core.mesh_data submodule.

  • The example_helpers submodule was moved to the ansys.acp.core.extras submodule.

  • The get_dpf_unit_system function was moved to the ansys.acp.core.dpf_integration_helpers submodule.

Renamed classes#

The following classes were renamed:

  • ACP renamed to ACPInstance.

  • DrapingMaterialType renamed to DrapingMaterialModel.

  • StatusType renamed to Status.

  • DimensionType renamed to PhysicalDimension.

  • CutoffMaterialType renamed to CutOffMaterialType.

  • CutoffRuleType renamed to CutOffRuleType.

  • CutoffSelectionRule renamed to CutOffSelectionRule.

  • CutoffSelectionRuleElementalData renamed to CutOffSelectionRuleElementalData and moved to ansys.acp.core.mesh_data.

  • CutoffSelectionRuleNodalData renamed to CutOffSelectionRuleNodalData and moved to ansys.acp.core.mesh_data.

  • PlyCutoffType renamed to PlyCutOffType.

  • DropoffMaterialType renamed to DropOffMaterialType.

Renamed attributes#

The following attributes were renamed:

  • dimension_type renamed to physical_dimension on the LookUpTable1DColumn and LookUpTable3DColumn classes.

  • draping_type renamed to draping on the ModelingPly class.

  • include_rule_type renamed to include_rule on all selection rule classes.

  • relative_rule_type renamed to relative_rule on all selection rule classes.