
Model.export_hdf5_composite_cae(path, *, remove_midside_nodes=True, layup_representation_3d=False, offset_type='bottom_offset', all_elements=True, element_sets=(), all_plies=True, plies=(), ascii_encoding=False)#

Export the lay-up to the HDF5 Composite CAE format.

  • path (str | PathLike[str]) – File path.

  • remove_midside_nodes (bool) – If True, remove mid-side nodes from the exported mesh. This increases the overall performance.

  • layup_representation_3d (bool) – If True, the 3D representation of the lay-up is computed, and the offset ply surfaces are exported.

  • offset_type (OffsetType) – Defines if the bottom, mid, or top surface of the plies is exported. Only used if layup_representation_3d is True.

  • all_elements (bool) – Whether to limit the export to some user-defined element sets or not.

  • element_sets (Sequence[ElementSet | OrientedSelectionSet]) – Only plies defined on the selected element sets or oriented selection sets will be exported. Used only if all_elements is False.

  • all_plies (bool) – Whether to export all plies or a user-defined set.

  • plies (Sequence[ModelingGroup | ModelingPly]) – User-defined set of Modeling Plies and/or Modeling Groups. Used only if all_plies is False.

  • ascii_encoding (bool) – If True, use ASCII encoding when writing text attributes to the HDF5 CAE file. This may be needed for compatibility with programs that don’t fully support unicode when reading the file.

Examples using Model.export_hdf5_composite_cae#

HDF5 Composite CAE

HDF5 Composite CAE