
ImportedModelingGroup.create_imported_modeling_ply(*, name='ModelingPly', active=True, offset_type='middle_offset', mesh_import_type='from_geometry', mesh_geometry=None, rosette_selection_method='minimum_angle', rosettes=(), reference_direction_field=None, rotation_angle=0.0, ply_material=None, ply_angle=0.0, draping_type='no_draping', draping_angle_1_field=None, draping_angle_2_field=None, thickness_type='nominal', thickness_field=None, thickness_field_type='absolute_values')#

Instantiate an Imported Modeling Ply.

  • name (str) – The name of the Modeling Ply

  • active (bool) – Inactive plies are ignored in ACP and the downstream analysis.

  • offset_type (ImportedPlyOffsetType) – Defines the location of the mesh (plane) with respect to the laminate. One of BOTTOM_OFFSET, MIDDLE_OFFSET, and TOP_OFFSET.

  • mesh_import_type (MeshImportType) – Source of the imported mesh. Either from geometry or from hdf5.

  • mesh_geometry (VirtualGeometry | None) – Link to the geometry with represents the ply surface. Only used if mesh_import_type is FROM_GEOMETRY.

  • rosette_selection_method (RosetteSelectionMethod) – Selection Method for Rosettes of the Oriented Selection Set.

  • rosettes (Sequence[Rosette]) – Rosettes of the Oriented Selection Set.

  • reference_direction_field (LookUpTable3DColumn | LookUpTable1DColumn | None) – A 3D lookup table column that defines the reference directions.

  • rotation_angle (float) – Angle in degrees by which the initial reference directions are rotated around the orientations.

  • ply_material (Fabric | None) – The material (only fabric is supported) of the ply.

  • ply_angle (float) – Design angle between the reference direction and the ply fiber direction.

  • draping_type (ImportedPlyDrapingType) – Chooses between different draping formulations. NO_DRAPING by default.

  • draping_angle_1_field (LookUpTable1DColumn | LookUpTable3DColumn | None) – Correction angle between the fiber and draped fiber directions, in degree.

  • draping_angle_2_field (LookUpTable1DColumn | LookUpTable3DColumn | None) – Correction angle between the transverse and draped transverse directions, in degree. Optional, uses the same values as draping_angle_1_field (no shear) by default.

  • thickness_type (ImportedPlyThicknessType) – Choose ThicknessType.FROM_TABLE to define a ply with variable thickness. The default value is ThicknessType.NOMINAL, which means the ply thickness is constant and determined by the thickness of the ply material.

  • thickness_field (LookUpTable1DColumn | LookUpTable3DColumn | None) – Defines the look-up table column used to determine the ply thickness. Only applies if thickness_type is ThicknessType.FROM_TABLE.

  • thickness_field_type (ThicknessFieldType) – If thickness_type is ThicknessType.FROM_TABLE, this parameter determines how the thickness values are interpreted. They can be either absolute values (ThicknessFieldType.ABSOLUTE_VALUES) or relative values (ThicknessFieldType.RELATIVE_SCALING_FACTOR).

Return type:


Added in ACP server version 25.1.

Examples using ImportedModelingGroup.create_imported_modeling_ply#

Imported ply

Imported ply