
ImportedSolidModel.create_layup_mapping_object(*, name='LayupMappingObject', active=True, element_technology='layered_element', shell_element_sets=(), use_imported_plies=False, select_all_plies=True, sequences=(), entire_solid_mesh=True, solid_element_sets=(), scale_ply_thicknesses=True, void_material=None, minimum_void_material_thickness=1e-06, delete_lost_elements=True, filler_material=None, rosettes=(), rosette_selection_method='minimum_distance', reinforcing_behavior='tension_and_compression', base_element_material_handling='remove', stress_state='plane_stress_state_with_transverse_shear_and_bending_stiffness', base_material=None, base_element_rosettes=(), base_element_rosette_selection_method='minimum_distance')#

Instantiate a layup mapping object.

  • name (str) – Name of the layup mapping object.

  • active (bool) – Inactive layup mapping objects are not used.

  • element_technology (ElementTechnology) – Determines the element technology used for the layup mapping. Can be either "layered_element" or "reinforcing". Note that only brick and prism elements support the layered option, while reinforcing technology can be combined with all types of solid elements.

  • shell_element_sets (Sequence[ElementSet]) – Defines the shell area whose modeling plies are mapped onto the solid mesh. Used only if use_imported_plies is False.

  • use_imported_plies (bool) – If True, imported modeling plies are mapped onto the solid mesh.

  • select_all_plies (bool) –

    Determines whether all plies are selected for mapping, or only the ones specified in the sequences parameter.

    • If use_imported_plies is False and select_all_plies is True, all plies in the selected shell area are selected.

    • If use_imported_plies is True and select_all_plies is True, all imported modeling plies are selected.

  • sequences (Sequence[ModelingGroup | ModelingPly | ImportedModelingGroup | ImportedModelingPly]) –

    Determines which plies are considered for mapping. The intersection of shell elements and plies are then mapped onto the solid mesh.

    • If use_imported_plies is False, modeling groups and modeling plies are allowed

    • If use_imported_plies is True, imported modeling groups and imported modeling plies are allowed

  • entire_solid_mesh (bool) – If True, the selected layup is mapped onto the entire solid mesh. Otherwise, the solid_element_sets parameter is used to refine the scope.

  • solid_element_sets (Sequence[SolidElementSet]) – List of solid element sets to which the mapping is applied.

  • scale_ply_thicknesses (bool) – If True, scale the layer thickness to fill the gaps within an element, instead of filling them with the void material. Used only if element_technology is "layered_element".

  • void_material (Material | None) – Material used to fill the gaps with. Only used if scale_ply_thicknesses is False, and the element_technology is "layered_element".

  • minimum_void_material_thickness (float) – Only gaps with a thickness greater than this value are filled with the void material. Only used if scale_ply_thicknesses is False, and the element_technology is "layered_element".

  • delete_lost_elements (bool) – If True, elements without layup and degenerated elements are deleted. Otherwise, they are filled with the filler material. Used only if element_technology is "layered_element".

  • filler_material (Material | None) – Material used to fill the degenerated elements. Only used if delete_lost_elements is False, and the element_technology is "layered_element".

  • rosettes (Sequence[Rosette]) – List of rosettes to set the coordinate system of the filler elements. Used only if element_technology is "layered_element".

  • rosette_selection_method (LayupMappingRosetteSelectionMethod) – Defines how the coordinate systems are applied for the filler elements. Used only if element_technology is "layered_element".

  • reinforcing_behavior (ReinforcingBehavior) – Determines whether the reinforcing elements carry tension and / or compression loads. Used only if element_technology is "reinforcing".

  • base_element_material_handling (BaseElementMaterialHandling) – Determines how the base material is handled in the area with reinforcing elements. Can be either "remove" or "retain". Used only if element_technology is "reinforcing".

  • stress_state (StressStateType) – Specifies the stress state of the reinforcing elements. Used only if element_technology is "reinforcing".

  • base_material (Material | None) – Define the initial material of the solid elements which will be reinforced by the selected plies. Used only if element_technology is "reinforcing".

  • base_element_rosettes (Sequence[Rosette]) – List of rosettes to set the coordinate system of the base elements. This is important if the base material has an orthotropic characteristic. Used only if element_technology is "reinforcing".

  • base_element_rosette_selection_method (LayupMappingRosetteSelectionMethod) – Defines how the coordinate systems are applied for the base elements. Used only if element_technology is "reinforcing".

Return type:


Added in ACP server version 25.1.

Examples using ImportedSolidModel.create_layup_mapping_object#

Imported ply

Imported ply

Imported solid model

Imported solid model

HDF5 Composite CAE

HDF5 Composite CAE